An office, a specialized store, the interior of a private school, cafe or restaurant should look as stylish as possible, but unobtrusive at the same time. Without the help of professional designers will be difficult to create and extraordinary design project boutique, or non-residential premises of services and entertainment. Style restaurant or store can both make a positive impression on visitors, and permanently disappoint them, so the work on the design of public facilities, such as design of cafe bars, requires a special approach, which owns the specialists of our company.
Office decoration
Office interior has a major impact on the performance of the team and the success of transactions with partners. Office design should be comfortable and functional, not distracting from work, but also do not create a tense atmosphere. It should inspire confidence in each person crossing the threshold, but to achieve maximum effect and take into account all the details without breaking the big picture, without the help of professionals is difficult.
Interior design
Interior design is a list of decisions on the interior furnishings and decorations. A certain design is initially in each room. It includes color and light schemes inside the premises, placement of partitions and furniture, zoning, and other options for improving comfort, ergonomics, and functionality. The new design can be developed for any type of premises, from apartments to offices and sales halls. Usually, for this purpose, a design project is drawn up, on the basis of which the construction work will be carried out.
What does the design of the premises
Design is an evaluative concept. It includes the visual perception of a particular room or building, the individual zones in them. The easiest way to change the design is to change the color design of surfaces. However, this is a simplified definition, since the design includes solutions to many other areas.
Interior design is associated with a change in its interior. Changes can be made in the following directions.
Equally important are the aesthetic perception of the design, its harmony, balance, appropriateness for a given room. These are evaluation indicators, which may differ for different people. Therefore, in most cases, it is better to trust a qualified designer, adhere to his advice and recommendations.
To implement design solutions, the premises are carried out cosmetic repairs, redevelopment and / or redevelopment. It all depends on the list of works and solutions chosen by the designer and approved by the customer. In some cases, it is necessary to take into account the restrictions on certain works, which are completely or partially prohibited. For example, for safety reasons, it may be forbidden to demolish a load-bearing wall, which should be taken into account when developing a design project.
When do you need a room design project
You can order a new design for any room. This can be done by the owner or tenant. But for remodeling the interior in a rented space must necessarily obtain the consent of the owner. The goals of design change may also be different.
Note that a competent and thoughtful design always increases the market value of the apartment or non-residential premises. Therefore, ordering a design project and repairs can be regarded as pre-sale preparation.
It makes no sense to order design for the premises where initially it is not expected the presence of people, or where the perception of the interior will not affect the performance indicators. For example, in the premises of production shops is not so important, as implemented color and lighting solutions. At such sites, the minimum necessary standards are adhered to to ensure safe working conditions. But in the premises for staff recreation or for the work of managerial staff at production facilities, design can be very important.
Designing the interior for commercial premises
By commercial facilities can include many buildings, and offices, and restaurants, and hospitals, and many other institutions where customers pay services. In such buildings, the interior – is the face of the enterprise, because of the quality of design rooms office or restaurant depends on the profitability of the owner, the success of his business.
Design-project of commercial premises should be ordered from employees of large, professional design companies that are able to create an interior, disposing of customers, boosting the mood of staff and improve their performance.
How interiors of commercial facilities are designed
Design projects of clinics, offices and other public facilities are made taking into account modern rules and fashion trends. For a commercial establishment to be popular with clients, it must be decorated attractively, stylishly and effectively. Good design will emphasize professionalism of the company and its employees, will show customers that they are in a large and serious company whose owner does not save on really important things.
Of course, in order to make the building was convenient to use, practical, visually attractive, design the interior must be developed for it with the purpose of commercial premises, their size, the rules of operation, the estimated number of employees and visitors. This information is considered initial, necessary to create a competent professional project, because it necessarily must be contained in the TOR from the customer.
The design of various objects on the appointment of the premises should be individual. In offices, it is not customary to use flashy creative solutions, bright styles and facing materials, because they can reduce the performance of the company’s employees. The best style for a modern office is minimalism. This direction of design allows commercial premises to be decorated in a stylish, presentable, effective and practical way without unnecessary decorative elements and unnecessary details for the normal operation of the company.
Clothing and grocery stores have their own unique characteristics. In such institutions it is also not accepted to use too bright design, because it can distract customers from the goods they are interested in. Products in the store should be the main element of the interior, and facing materials, light, decor and other design details are designed to emphasize these products, to highlight them, to show the quality, to justify the cost.
Design project of a commercial space is better to trust the professionals also because they are well aware of all the individual characteristics of different purposes of institutions. Masters design companies know what technical and creative solutions should be used to design a large, expensive restaurant, what wall color to choose for a cafe, what furniture to install in the corridors and the reception at a private clinic.
The experience of the professionals allows them to study the customer’s requirements specification and immediately find weak points, requirements and wishes that are not worth implementing in practice. Instead of such controversial ideas, the owner will be offered alternative solutions that can improve the visual and technical characteristics of the facility.

On the role and importance of commercial interiors
Designing a commercial interior is a very complex task, because it is necessary not only to make it beautiful, aesthetic and functional, as in the case of any residential design project, but also attractive to potential customers. The purpose of absolutely any commercial enterprise is to attract its target audience and sell them various goods and services. In this case, there is no enterprise, which would exist in the conditions of no competition, on the contrary, it is necessary to conduct sometimes a very tough struggle for clients, and in this struggle, one of the most powerful tools is just the interior design.
It is necessary not only to offer the highest quality services at an affordable price, but also to stand out from the other similar organizations and companies, to do everything so as to be remembered on the positive side of the buyer by many criteria, including its appearance.
It is important to remember that the key role in this matter belongs to the concept of interior design, that is the main idea. It can be different, there are no strict canons and dogmas, the main thing for the designer – do not “play”, to be able to curb the flight of his imagination, subjecting it to the requirements that puts forward the customer.
Step-by-step development of commercial interior design project
When it becomes clear in detail put forward before the designers task, begins the process of direct development of commercial interior design project. Initially necessary to properly zoning the premises, compliance with the requirements of functionality, aesthetics and commerce. At the judgment of the customer are given a few options developed planning decisions, of which he chooses the most successful in his opinion.
The next design stage involves the drafting of sketches of the facility, which becomes clear about the general direction of its style and color design. Based on the sketches developed a set of drawings, which later will be performed all the finishing and construction works. All drawings must necessarily be listed specifications of materials used and their quantity, and other technical nuances.
When you create an interior commercial enterprise, for example, during the development of interior design project cafe, as never before important visual model, especially if it was created in three-dimensional projection. Such a model gives a clear idea of how the object will look like at the finish line of work, which features will be different from its interior, and, most importantly, it will be perfectly visible to all possible inaccuracies and errors, and if so, then it will be much easier to eliminate them in a timely manner.
One can not ignore the fact that the design of commercial space is usually more expensive than in the case of residential properties, which is due to increased complexity of the process and its specificity. To make a preliminary calculation of the cost of the interior design process, you can through this online calculator, which will give an opportunity to roughly imagine the level of costs for the development and drafting of the design project.